Monday, 31 January 2011

Week 3/4 done!


First off, sorry it has taken me so long to write this blog, it's been a bit of a hectic couple of weeks so I hope you haven't been waiting too long ;)

I have now completed my first two talks to the guys which have gone down very well, and I'm really happy to see them responding positively and pressing in with a desire to learn! They are also doing incredibly well with their physical program and I'm really happy to say we are seeing the efforts pay off, the guys are starting to look slimmer, faster and stronger.

Since I last posted lot of adventures have been happening, so I will try and give you a quick run-down.
A couple of Saturday's ago we went shooting and hunting; due to my collarbone and had to lie down with the rifle on a hay bail, but straight away 3 from 3. So very happy with that! The guys had some fun shooting some clay pigeons with the shotgun but I didn't fancy re-breaking my collarbone from the re-coil! We were fortunate enough to have Marlowe from church come out with us and bring his hand guns, now this I could really get stuck in to. I was fortunate enough to shoot a Ruger .22 and a .357 revolver. I had the opportunity to shoot a .44 Magnum but after seeing Tom almost go off his feet firing it I decided against it. The weight and size of these guns is incredible, and as much as I am not a killer they are fantastic feats of engineering and really quite fascinating how they work. In the afternoon we went Coyote hunting, Joel managed to hit one, though after 3 hours of trekking over 5 miles in deep snow the three pursuers couldn't find him, so a lovely dinner with nice home baking warmed us all up!

Later on in the week, after more fantastic sessions within the Soul Edge house, Kids club and youth group we were fortunate enough to go Horse Riding. They have six horses at the ranch, I was put on the oldest, slowest and calmest horse they had, Molly, to reduce impact. I couldn't ride as such because of my shoulder, so Josh led Molly and I around which was a great experience, they really are majestic creatures and I can't wait to have a proper go at Horse Riding when I'm in better shape!

The boys had another lovely snowboarding trip in blizzard like conditions, which I reluctantly watched from the Cafe. They are really getting the hang of it now, and I am just looking forward to Banff at the end of February! Other areas of note for the past couple of weeks include; the invention of a new game 'Slapball', the coldest day since we arrived (-45c) and more and more beards for the boys. Mine is taking full flow which is rather warming in this cold weather!

I am really excited that Emily is coming out three weeks on Saturday and I can't wait for her to experience some of the fun we are all having. I am really missing her. So it will be a nice chance to enjoy a fun break!

Tomorrow we are going on a four day expedition to Kay country. Lots of hiking and camping. Unfortuantely, I won't be able to join in. I'm sure it will be fun whatever.

I hope you are all well and you have coped with another 'cold' snap in the UK.

Take care,

Laurence x

P.S. More photos soon!

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