Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Week 2 - Routine,

So Week Two has been very fun too, though definately different. The guys have had to settle into their routines, which they have done so with great aplomb. This routine includes;

  • Early up 730
  • Meditation time
  • Breakfast
  • Morning session
  • 2.5 Mile Run
  • Gym
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon Session
  • House tidy/Ranch Duties
  • Dinner
  • Youth Group/Kids Club/Chillout
So although great fun, hard work and long days. The guys have taken to the course really well and seem keen to learn. It's been a week of a lot of adaptation and they have done well!

So on tuesday we had our first cell group at the house, which is a youth scheme Soul Edge runs in Correlation with the local church. Tom and Josh led the worship and did very well. On Wednesday we had Kids Club at the church which was a very bizarre experience! Very hyper kids, must be all the snow! Thursday and Friday were normal teaching days.

We have eat very well as usual, this week we have had a mix of home made burgers, home made chilli, home made pizza, lentil and chicken stir fry and pasta amongst many others. We have also made our way through many classic films such as Rocky, Jurassic Park as well as the more modern films like The Prestige, Wall Street II and Iron Man 2, have also worked them very hard in the Gym and I think they are now starting to see the benefits of it, minus the blisters!

In terms of my health I hope I am doing slightly better, the collarbone is still very painful but I am moving it better, though I think thats to do with the new medicine (oramorph) as much as anything! Lets keep hoping and praying for a quick recovery! On Saturday the boys went snowboarding while I watched on from the cafe and worked on some talks of mine (I gave my first one on Monday and it went well I think) Then on Sunday we were fortunate enough to tag along Cayote hunting. Joel just missed so we were unfortunate to come back empty handed!

This week we have Gun Orientation to expect which will be fun, then a hunt at the weekend. Below are some photos for you to enjoy (finally!)

I hope you are all well and look forward to hearing from you as always!

P.S. The beard is coming on nicely!

This is the first video update from our youtube page.

1 comment:

  1. Yay guns! That means you can start killing every gopher that dares pop its head out at this time of year! Loving the blogs mate.
