Sunday, 2 January 2011

Here safe and sound!

So here I am in Herbert, Saskachewan! It was a long Journey but well worth the wait! I had a lovely flight with Thomas Cook, however the Cabin Crew sometimes gave me the impression that were Virgin, BA or Air Canada rejects. When you are presented with a Jack Daniels and Coke after asking for water at 11am in the morning something doesnt add up! Needless to say it was sent back! On arrival in Calgary I was apprehended for 1 hour by immigration who didnt seem to be able to cope with the idea that I wasnt being paid for my three months of VOLUNTEER work in Canada! After getting through that minor ordeal I was then hassled by security who decided it was necessarry to take apart all my luggage to check for anything that this volunteer could be smuggling, which ended up to be my 95ml mouthwash. After a bite to eat it was a quick 50 minute flight to Regina. I stepped out of the airport with Josh, his wife Kiri and her sister Jen to a rather fresh -28 degrees celsius! If that didnt wake me up after 19 hours travelling nothing would. Then we had a two hour drive to where I now reside, Herbert.The six bedroom house is phenomenal and very rustic and only cost Soul Edge $34000 CA which is about £22000, first big culture shock.

On Sunday when I saw Canada in daylight the thing that struck me was the vast space. Beautiful and picturesque. Very remote which I so far enjoy. We went to the local church who we will be working with and was made to feel very welcome indeed, that has made settling a lot easier. In the afternoon we went over to the ranch and did some 'tubing' which involves lying on a large rubber dinghy attached to a truck and being dragged, swung and skidded around large, snow covered fields! Great fun but also mildly terrifying the first couple of times! There followed a large family dinner with 15 people just relaxing together. A nice way to end my first full day.

Today (Mon) we are off snowboarding. I expect to come back with dented pride as flying down a mountain on something not dis-similar to a tea tray does not bode well for a 14 and a half stone oaf; Oh well onwards and upwards!

I will post some pictures when I next blog, which will probably be the end of the week! I hope you are all keeping well, enjoyed your new years and are not dreading work too much! I would love to hear from you so please do comment!


1 comment:

  1. the soul edge house (or HQ!) is awesome! So are the erbs, their home cooking, and crossroads! :D
