Friday, 25 March 2011

My Final Update - The Adventure Ends

Hi there guys,

Thanks for your patience in waiting to hear the latest update. It feels very bizarre to be writing my last blog a couple of months earlier that I intended to!

As many of you will know, the decision was made between myself and the two other Soul Edge leaders, Josh and Kiri, to fly home early for a few reasons; 1) to rest 2) to see my doctor back here in the UK. I was suffering from full on exhaustion; mentally, physically and emotionally. So begrudgingly, I left Canada on Saturday 13th March. That said, I know now that it was definitely the right decision.

I automatically felt more relaxed at home, which is no indication on Canada I was treated amazingly, and swiftly organised an appointment with my Doctor to ask about the options regarding Kenya and my treatment. I had been praying hard that any advice would be definitive either way, and thankfully it was. The Dr (and the Orthopods I have seen consequently) categorically have said Kenya would be to risky for me in my current physical state and that I could do some serious long term damage, and if you have seen the X-ray on Facebook, you will see I need to get used to my new Bionic collarbone! It is of course disappointing to not be going with the guys to Kenya, but I don't believe it is the end of the world, I believe he has a lot more in store for me!

The most important thing I want to iterate is that this wasn't a decision made lightly. I made this decision with heavenly guidance, Doctors, Emily, Parents, Soul Edge, Family and of course, with the boys in mind. I have been privileged enough to help lead this small group of 5 guys on what is an amazing journey. It is my duty as a leader to make choices regarding the group and their welfare, I believe that Kenya will be tough enough for them without having to carry my kit and a grumpy Laurence who hasn't slept/is in pain. I really believe they are going to do some amazing things out there and I cannot wait to hear their stories and see the change. I know they are fully prepared for bringing the kingdom. I am just glad I could influence their preparation, even if only in the smallest way.

Of course this journey has had it's disappointments for me, I never expected after five years of waiting that I would have to pull out, however I know it is for the 'greater good'. I still experienced, learnt and loved so much during my time in Herbert, SK. I have been fortunate enough to find some life long friends out there who I cannot wait to see again.

The boys return to the UK this Sunday (27th) and are really looking forward to spending time with their families and friends, I will join them on Thursday in Watford as they prepare to leave for Kenya. I can't wait to spend some time with them again.

Thank you for following my blog, I really hope it has given you an insight into a way of life that is different from our own and an amazing opportunity I was glad to indulge in.

I will try and post updates from the guys when I get them!

Enjoy having them back,


Laurence x

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