Friday, 25 March 2011

My Final Update - The Adventure Ends

Hi there guys,

Thanks for your patience in waiting to hear the latest update. It feels very bizarre to be writing my last blog a couple of months earlier that I intended to!

As many of you will know, the decision was made between myself and the two other Soul Edge leaders, Josh and Kiri, to fly home early for a few reasons; 1) to rest 2) to see my doctor back here in the UK. I was suffering from full on exhaustion; mentally, physically and emotionally. So begrudgingly, I left Canada on Saturday 13th March. That said, I know now that it was definitely the right decision.

I automatically felt more relaxed at home, which is no indication on Canada I was treated amazingly, and swiftly organised an appointment with my Doctor to ask about the options regarding Kenya and my treatment. I had been praying hard that any advice would be definitive either way, and thankfully it was. The Dr (and the Orthopods I have seen consequently) categorically have said Kenya would be to risky for me in my current physical state and that I could do some serious long term damage, and if you have seen the X-ray on Facebook, you will see I need to get used to my new Bionic collarbone! It is of course disappointing to not be going with the guys to Kenya, but I don't believe it is the end of the world, I believe he has a lot more in store for me!

The most important thing I want to iterate is that this wasn't a decision made lightly. I made this decision with heavenly guidance, Doctors, Emily, Parents, Soul Edge, Family and of course, with the boys in mind. I have been privileged enough to help lead this small group of 5 guys on what is an amazing journey. It is my duty as a leader to make choices regarding the group and their welfare, I believe that Kenya will be tough enough for them without having to carry my kit and a grumpy Laurence who hasn't slept/is in pain. I really believe they are going to do some amazing things out there and I cannot wait to hear their stories and see the change. I know they are fully prepared for bringing the kingdom. I am just glad I could influence their preparation, even if only in the smallest way.

Of course this journey has had it's disappointments for me, I never expected after five years of waiting that I would have to pull out, however I know it is for the 'greater good'. I still experienced, learnt and loved so much during my time in Herbert, SK. I have been fortunate enough to find some life long friends out there who I cannot wait to see again.

The boys return to the UK this Sunday (27th) and are really looking forward to spending time with their families and friends, I will join them on Thursday in Watford as they prepare to leave for Kenya. I can't wait to spend some time with them again.

Thank you for following my blog, I really hope it has given you an insight into a way of life that is different from our own and an amazing opportunity I was glad to indulge in.

I will try and post updates from the guys when I get them!

Enjoy having them back,


Laurence x

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Surgery update.

Very sorry for the delay in this blog, I thought it had updated but aparently not. Surgery was Weds 24th Feb.

So here I am, back in 'comfortable surroundings' after my operation. It was a bit of an ordeal all round to be honest; we shall start from the beginning.

After whizzing up to Saskatoon last Friday, and seeing the surgeon on call, we were told I should be in for Surgery on Monday or Tuesday. This did not materialise and after hours of badgering the whole the Saskatoon orthopedic Filofax. I was told to come up for surgery on Wednsesday.

Polly and Richard kindly drove me up on Wednesday and waited with me all day (ending up in a hotel) as surgery didn't materialise until 830pm at which point they decided I should be admitted.

Before the operation itself, one of Canada's best (yet decidedly grumpy) surgeons questioned whether I should have surgery, when I explained that six weeks of excruciating pain and sliding bones had proceeded this very conversation, he submitted that this was the best option with the trip to Kenya in mind.

This was fully vindicated when on his arrival at my bed side @ 730am, he told me he had required to put in 7 pins rather than the usual two or three! My blood pressure also remains high which is a slight concern and something I shall have to keep an eye on.

A return trip to him in three weeks is on the cards along with wearing an immobilising sling for at least eight weeks! I was treated very well by the nurses and the Erb family were  brilliant while the boys where in Banff.

Emily and I had a lovely week together and she was fantastically supportive and helpful with looking after me, it was a shame her trip was so short. She really enjoyed her time here. My wound is healing, there is a small area of infection, but we are keeping a close on it when we change the dressings every 36-48 hours. Its very bizarre being able to feel the metal work, pain (therefore BP) is still high but will hopefully subside soon.


Laurence x

P.S. last pic is a drawing by the nurse!