Saturday, 19 February 2011

Recent shenanigans!

Hi guys! Sorry again for a delayed post. February so far has been a manic, yet fun month! I know also have a fantastic application on my tab so I can update my blog on the go.

Almost immediately after my last post, we headed on a 7 hour drive (via subway) to Kananaskis country. A really beautiful part of the world. Remote, with mind-blowing views. Day one and the lads went out on their big, day-long scramble. I decided to miss out as I wouldn't manage it with my collarbone. They can back pretty exhausted but were blessed with very nice weather. After a relaxed evening we set up for the real adventure; snow camping. I decided to join the guys on this one, after missing so many other outings, and go at a slower more careful rate, kindly accompanied by Kiri and Sam who carried my gear like a true hero. I'm so glad I went. The views were astonishing and almost ironically, going slowly really allowed me to appreciate the views and surroundings. The only down side was that my new medicine really affected mg breathing and heart rate by slowing them down, so towards the end it was a real struggle. Also, after getting the guys into great shape, I was a long way behind their fitness levels ;) We set up camp by building shelter and a monumentous fire, we enjoyed games, hot chocolates and spooning under the stars.

After a long journey back (via Subway again of course) we all unwound exhausted at the Soul Edge house. The week consisted of the usual Soul Edge schedule and the usual social activities of Films, Board Games and quizzes. A few of the guys have really got into their horse-riding so they have been practicing at the ranch.
The weekend consisted of a lovely sweetheart night at the church where the Soul Edge team were recruited as waiters/sous-chefs for some magnificent desserts.

As for any other news, all the beards (mine and Sam's especially) are coming on nicely. Unfortunately Justin had an accident in the most recent snow-boarding trip (we have footage!) and broke his Radius quite badly. Fortunately there was a bright side to this. He had to go to Saskatoon to see a surgeon, which meant I could tag along and see one myself in regards to my collarbone. Now Justin fortunately doesn't need surgery as they acted very quickly and rectified it. I however do, they didn't act so quickly. Six weeks on and I am still in an immense amount of pain and not sleeping. So surgery is being done to rectify this hopefully! The down side is I will miss most of the Bannf trip. However needs must and I will still be there to pick up Emily from the airport which is very exciting.

That's it for now. Ill pop up a surgery update for you all with some nice photos.
